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Schoolcraft High Offers Class In Working Drones

Kathy Oswalt-Forsythe | 15 months ago

This fall, Schoolcraft High School’s list of course offerings adds a class: Drones 101, taught by high school science and math teacher Josh Willoughby.

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Debunking Two Commonly Held Misbeliefs About Drone Education Programs

Brian Pitre | 3 years ago

Drones are tools that help in delivery, data collection and data analytics that produce asset management results or actionable intelligence.

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Why Community Colleges Should Consider Investing In Drone Certification Programs

Brian Pitre | 3 years ago

Community colleges are designed to help students acquire new skills to obtain meaningful work. Today, junior colleges are faced with declining revenue, declining enrollment due to the pandemic and the...

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STEM Drone Programs Are Creating Career Pathways For Today's Modern Workforce

Brian Pitre | 4 years ago

Even though they can be small in size, drones are packed with a rapidly growing assortment of advanced technology that gives them some amazing capabilities.

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New drone class at Chittenango H.S. gives students a lift in the tech industry

Lindsay Raychel | 4 years ago

Taking flight in a new S.T.E.A.M. center, students at Chittenango High School are working towards becoming certified drone pilots.


Harpursville Students Work To Earn Drone License

Jessica Kisluk | 4 years ago

While many students older than 16 may be working to get their driver licenses, some students at Harpursville Central School District are working to earn their pilot licenses.


Harpursville students take drone certification class

WIVT/WBGH NewsChannel 34 | 4 years ago

Some Harpursville students are learning to take to the skies without leaving their classroom. The high school is offering a drone certification class.

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Rochester In Focus: SkyOp bringing drone training to schools

Brennan Somers | 5 years ago

This week's Rochester in Focus puts the spotlight on SkyOp, a key player in our region when it comes to the booming drone industry.

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The 21 Most In-Demand Jobs for 2020

Jeff Bogle | 5 years ago

Worried about job security? These are the jobs that companies desperately need to fill in the new year and beyond.

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SkyOp LLC Inks Deal to Bring Its Drone Training STEM Curriculum to Local School Districts

5 years ago

A model for other state education services agencies to follow, the cooperative purchasing contract with the New York State BOCES provides significant cost savings to school districts looking to implement...

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How we created a comprehensive drone curriculum

Dr. Mark Beehler and eSchool News | 6 years ago

Drone curricula offer authentic learning experiences to prepare students for the modern-day workforce.

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SkyOp Named AUVSI XCELLENCE Award Finalist

AUVSI | 6 years ago

The Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI) named SkyOp as a finalist in the Training & Education category in its second annual XCELLENCE Awards.

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The SkyOp LLC Drone Training Curriculum Prepares Students for the Workforce of the Future

6 years ago

The SkyOp Drone Training Curriculum enables High School, CTE and P-Tech educational institutions to easily incorporate drone training as a standalone course or into existing course offerings.

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American Graduate

WXXI | 6 years ago

This great video produced by WXXI features Brian Pitre talking about SkyOp's High School Drone Training and Education Curriculum and includes impressive aerial footage captured by students.

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SkyOp Provides Keynote Speaker for New York State of Drones Event

6 years ago

The SkyOp team was pleased to be a part of the Lower Hudson Regional Information Center's Technology Leadership Institute Winter Event.